Adding a person to a circle or project

4 min. readlast update: 12.29.2023

You use teamdecoder's Focus Modes to add a person to a circle or project. Or the person is automatically added to a circle or project, when you add a skill, role, domain or link to that circle or project, that the person is owner of. 

Here is a walk through these 3 options:

  • add a person to a circle while in people focus mode
  • add a person to a circle while in circle focus mode
  • add a person to a circle by adding one of their roles to the circle

(1) Your are in People Focus Mode

When you click the focus icon in the card of the perosn in question you enter Focus Mode and your dashboard looks like this:


You can now add this person to a (green) circle or project by clicking on the "+" icons in the gray items:


After clicking "+" this dialogue will appear, letting you decide HOW you want to add this person to this circle or project:

  • first you decide if this person needs to be a permanent member of this circle or project, then you chose "core". Or if this person is an "extended" member of this circle or project and does maybe not need to take part in all meetings all the time
  • Then you could add Susanna "as a person" to that circle or project. In that case Susanna can see, that she is in the circle or project, but it is not clear WHY she is in there. Her tasks couls be defined inside the circle or project tool, but a better way is to:
  • Add the person in their capacity of a certain skill, role, domain or link to this circle or project. In this case you could decide you add Susanna to the "Manufacturing" circle with her skill "Design"
  • If you do so and later go into Focusa Mode for the circle, you can see this:

The blue name indicates that not ALL designers are part of the circle in focus, but only Susanna.

(2) You are in Focus Mode of the circle or project

When you want to add a person to a circle or project in Focus Mode of the circle or project you start by entering Focus Mode and you'll see this - now not the person is read as in (1), but the circle:


You can now click on the "+" icon next to a grey person:


Then you chose, if this person should be "core" (= important, permantent) member of this circle/project, or "extended" (only when needed, from time to time) member. You click and this will be the result:


As mentioned in (1) already, Sam is now member of this circle, but only "as person" - so does not know, what his job is inside the circle. His tasks coudl either be defined in the circle tool here:


OR you add Sam not as a person, but as an owner of a skill, role, link or domain - see (3):

(3) You add a role/skill/domain/link to the circle or project, that the person is owner of

You pick an existing role/skill/domain/link that the person is owner of, or you create a new one. Let's create the role "Idea Management" and add Sam as owner like this:


Now we go back into Focus Mode of our circle and add this new role:


In the add-as popup we do this:


And have now added Sam to the circle as owner of the role "Idea Management":


One last little cosmetic change: We still have Sam added as a person, check out the grey pill with red typo next to the name Sam. We can easily delete this by clicking the red "x" in Sam's card:


And the result looks like this:



More info on all our modes

Screenhots: V4, early 2024

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