The person who created the account is the ADMIN of the teamdecoder account. The email address you use to register, cannot be changed at a later stage. But the admin does not have to be the only person to manage the content in the account:
- there might be more than 1 person in your team who manages roles, responsibilities and workloads for everyone
- you might name a "governance moderator" who organizes the campfire meetings and manages the teamdecoder content and reports
- you might have more than 1 team in your account and want different people to manage their respective teams
In order to allow this, we offer CO-ADMINS:
In order to have CO-AMDINS you need to have a GO account, FREE accounts cannot have CO-ADMINS. If you are currently on the free plan please upgrade your account! There is an upgrade button in the settings and in your profile.
Co-ADMIN seats can pe purchased in the ACCESS MANAGEMENT menu in the settings:
You can pick the number of CO-ADMINS you need and then click ADD SEATS. You will be forwarded to the payment provider ("Stripe"). A GO account as unlimited teams and team members, but we charge extra for the CO-ADMINS, currently this is 29 EUR per CO-ADMIN.
Once the purchase has successfully been processed you will see a line per Co-ADMIN seat you added in the pop-up. This is where you can assign your team mates as CO-ADMINS.
You need to leave their
- full name,
- their email address,
- and the teams of your accoutn that you want them to be able to have access to. You can pick onw, select a few or all.
and can then click SEND INVITE. They will receive an invitation via email with y alink to create their password for a CO-ADMIN login.
Once you have added the seats and invited your colleagues, you have 3 options in the 2 dots menu behind each CO-ADMIN:
- you can CHANGE the co-admin. Use this option if you'd oike to assign someone else to the CO-ADMIN seat. YOu can re-assign existing Co-ADMIN seats as you wish.
- you can re-send the invite. Sometimes people do not receive their email invitation, or they lose the email. Here you can send it to them again.
- remove seat. Use this option if you do not need this CO-ADMIN seat anymore at all. This will delete your seat and you will not be charged again at the end of the billing cycle.
Co-admin invitation process
- The admin adds a seat in the “access management” menu and invites a co-admin
- The co-admin receives an email with a link
- Clicking this link will send the co-admin to a register page, where they can set their password
- They are then directly logged into the app and can see the teams they’ve been approved for
The same team cannot be edited by more than 1 person at a time
Due to the complexity of the connections between the teamdecoder lists, and because of the idea that changing roles is not something everybody can do themselves as they wish (hence the management through admins, co-admins and governanse moderators in campfire meetings), only 1 person can EDIT content within 1 team at a time - there is no simoulaneious working inside the same team in teamdecoder today.
If the ADMIN or a CO-ADMIN log in to a team that is currently worked on they have these options:
- Come back later, logout for now - this option will log the user out
- Enter "view only" mode - this option will allow the user to enter the team, see all content and use all modes, but not to change anything or add anything
- Request "edit" access - if clicked, this option will send an email notification to the user who is currently using the team. In this email is a link, when clicked, will give you access.
- Swicth to different team - use this option if you have access to more than 1 team and can start working inside the other team in the meantime
If a user is logged in to a team but remains inactive, and another user attempts to log in to the same team, the inactive user will be automatically logged out to allow the new user to access the team.
Thank you very much for using teamdecoder with your team! If you have any further question, please do not hesitate to use livechat on all our pages or write to
Sweet teams are made of this!