Assign work to AI

2 min. readlast update: 06.28.2024

This article is based on the teamdecoder concept "AI as new team member".


AI tools are very helpful and can take over big chunks of work. In this article we want to show you, how you can set up a team that gets help from AI in teamdercoder.

1 - Add AIs to people list

In teamdecoder you will find the pre-installed "human" and "AI" tags. This allows to you to add an AI to the yellow people list. Our AI in this example is going to be aclled marAIke.


2 - Identify areas where you need help

Here we have identified "HR" and "Marketing" as two areas where AI could help. In order to create buckets for tasks that the AI can take over, we created these 2 roles:

  • HR support
  • Marketing support

and tagged them aith the "AI" tag.


3 - Assign roles to AI


4 - Filter and re-assign AI appropriate tasks

Let's use Compare Mode to put all HR related roles and the new role "HR Support" next to each other:

Drag and drop tasks from all lists into the AI role:



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Also we offer a workshop in this topic, mor info here:


Sweet teams are made of this!




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