Domain creation

2 min. readlast update: 03.11.2024

What is a domain?

Domains serve as an effective method to delineate clear responsibilities within your team. If there's ever ambiguity about who is responsible for managing a budget, issuing key cards, monitoring the info@ email address, or updating a persona, establishing a domain is a practical solution. Domains can be associated with specific skills or roles. For example, the "Adobe License" domain could be linked to the "Design" skill. Similarly, in product management (which is a role), each product or feature could represent a distinct domain, ensuring clear accountability and streamlined operations.

There are 2 ways to create a new domain:

  • in the domains list
  • in the skills/roles tools (from V4 on)

(1) Create a domain in the domains list:

Click on "Add new domain":


Then fill out the details on the domain tool:


All explanations on how to fill this out here

(2) Create a domain inside the skills/roles tool

From V4 onwards you can create a domain directly inside the skills/roles tools:


The idea is, that is often makes more sense to think about domains, when creating a role or a skill. In this example the team created the skill "design" and when defining this skill, they also came up with domains, that the deisgners should be repsonsible for.

So, instead of leaving the skills tool, adding the domains in the domains list, and then coming back here to connect them, they can also be created insid ethe skills and roles tool. They cannot be edited here, though!

If you click on the "+" in the domains section insid ethe skill/role tool you'll see this:


When you click on "Add domain" a dropdown will show you all available, existing domains. That is all domains that have already been created inside the domains list and do not yet have an owner (remember: a domain can only have ONE owner!). In this case there are no domains available.

To create a new dopmain right here right now, just start typing and the "create" option appears:


This domain will now also show inside the domains list and will automatically be attributed to the skill "design" - shown by the grey pill:




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