How do I switch from login via Google to login with password?

1 min. readlast update: 06.17.2024

If you used "Sign Up with Google" to create your account you cannot log in via password. You have to click "Sign In with Google" everytime you want to log in. Here is all you need to know about creating your account with Google.

But sometimes you want to change that, so that you can log in via a password, instead of your Google account. This is waht this article is about. 

Note: Once you create a password, you cannot log in with Google anymore!

So, these instructions are only for people who have created their teamdecoder account by clicking on "Sign up with Google":



Here is how to change once and for all from "Log in with Google" to login with a password:

 1. Go to "Settings"

2. Click on "Profile"

3. Chose your new password

Ignore the field "current password" and type your new password twice.

Please follow our security rules for passwords:

  • 8-15 characters
  • 1 upper case
  • 1 lower case
  • 1 number
  • 1 special character

4. Click on "OK"

5. Next time log in via password

From now on you have to use email and password, and you cannot use "SIgn in with Google" anymore.



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