How to build an editorial conference

3 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

As many other companies recently, also you might have hired a lot of specialists and agencies to take care of the flood of new marketing channels and necessary content. And suddenly you realize that they all need to be better synched. A good idea to do so is an "editorial conference" (EC) format, inviting everyone dealing with content creation and distribution, that meets regularly to decide on the "editorial plan" for the coming months

All elements we need for an EC are these:

To simplify, this demo has been prepared without people - hence the yellow list has been hidden, as well as roles and skills, that you can un-hide to add more detail in our demo data.


What is the Editorial Conference?

The EC is defined as circle. It's purpose: To agree on what will be communicated when and where (in which channels). In order to reach this purpose the EC meets in 3 formats:

  1. a coordination meeting every 3 months
  2. a strategey meeting every 6 months to define goals, OKRs and KPIs
  3. and a weekly quickie to answer urgent questions in 30 minutes max

These meetings are defined and documented in the circle tool for the circle "Editorial Conference":


Members of the editorial conference are:

The editorial conference (circle) consists of people that are also member of another circle . In mytpt this is organized in the "links" list. A person who owns a "link" is member in both circles this link connects (in mytpt you create this link, and then add it to both circles you want to connect). 

There is 1 person each from these circles in our EC:

  • business leadership team
  • agile team
  • content team
  • omnichannel planning
  • brand management

Next to all these links, also all "communication channels" are members of the EC circle. They are defined as "domains", as each channel has 1 main resonsible owner. As examples this case includes:

  • a digital channel X
  • a dialogue channel Y
  • an event channel Z

Plus the domain "editorial plan" - as this is the result of the EC's work, and also 1 person's repsonsibility.


What does each department contribute?

The circle "business leadership team" (BLT) for example sends 1 person (link) into the EC.


This person represents the BLT in the EC and has the objective to make the BLT's priorities clear to the EC.


Another member of the EC is the link to and from the "Brand Management" circle. This link is repsonsible for a "coherent brand story". The link from this circle will hence make sure in the EC's meetings, that all contents that are proposed for the editorial plan (domain) are in line with the brand and form a coherent story together.


The "Agile Team" (circle) has the purpose to develop campains:


The "Content Team" (circle) produces content in various forms:


And the "Channels" circle sends the domain owners for each channel:


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