Links Tool

3 min. readlast update: 07.31.2024

Links represent the relationships your team maintains with various internal and external entities. These may include other in-house departments such as the CEO's office, HR, or the sustainability team, as well as external stakeholders like investors, owners, and unions, and outside partners such as lawyers and agencies.

It's important to assign a single owner for each link. This person is tasked with the responsibility of establishing, nurturing, and maintaining these crucial connections.

This is the links tool, that you see when you click on any link or add a new link at the end of the links list:



  • Here the link is the "to PR team", so a teammate who is the link between our team and the PR team


  • WHY does the team want this link?


  • In order to do this, the team has given the link owner a few tasks that help to make the purpose a reality


  • What are KPIs or OKRs or similar, measurable goals?
  • Rate them with the 5 stars system and update the rating regularly (e.g. in 1-on-1s between role owner and team leader)


  • In the box "Plan total" you can define how much time your time should spend on this link
  • max = 1 = 1 FTE = "full time equivalent"
  • In "status" you can see how much you already assigned
  • more on workload planning in teamdecoder


  • On the top right is the owner.  
  • This team has picked Susan as owner. 
  • Only "people" can be owner of a link, not skills or roles.
  • A link can only have one owner. That`s kind of the idea of domains and links - they create clear responsibilities. If this has more than one owner, it should be a skill, role, circle or project.

Stand in

  • Some links are so important that you need to define a stand-in in case the owner is absent, sick or on vacation. Here you can pick any name.

Member in

  • Under "member in" you can see in what circles and projects this link is a member in. 
  • You can delete it here from these circles/projects by clicking on "x". 
  • If you want to add this link to a circle or project you have to close this link tool and enter focus mode for the circle/project that you want to add the link to.



  • Tags are free text and can be used as filters in the lists view afterwards


You save all data by clicking on the green tick at the bottom right, You can also close the tool and save all changes by clicking anywhere outside the tool or by clicjing on the previous/next arrows on the top right.

If you wish NOT to save your changed, you have to click on the red X on the bottom right. The tool will close and your changes will NOT be saved!


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