Manage Your Subscription and Profile

1 min. readlast update: 04.30.2024

All your personal info you can manager under Settings:


When you have a FREE subscription you will see this:

  • the blue pill top left indicates that you are on a FREE plan
  • the green pill top right is the links for an upgrade to the GO (/PRO) plan

Once you have upgraded, this page will look like this:

  • you can change your name
  • company name
  • website
  • and passwort
  • your email address cannot be changed


If you pay for a teamdecoder subscription you can manage it under:


When you click on "Manage Account" under "Settings" you will then see a window where you need to enter your email address:

Next step: You receive an email that looks like this:

After clicking the link in the email to will be sent to the Stripe Customer Dashboard, which looks like this:

Here you can:

  • cancel your subscription
  • change your payment method or address
  • and you can find all your invoices



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