People Focus Mode

2 min. readlast update: 02.24.2024

People Focus is activated by clicking the this icon on the right side of any person's tile:


From V4 on the focus icon will always be visible like this:



Once activated the tile will turn red:


Now you will be able to see all elements across all other lists that have been attributed to this person in focus mode. In every other list (skills, roles, domains, circles and projects) you will see at the top in white on dark blue/green the elements that this person is an owner of (skills, roles, domains) and a member in (circles, projects). And in gray in the lower part of each list the elements that do exist within this list but have NOT been attributed to this person.



You can now ...

  • a) remove WHITE attributed items from the person's profile by clicking on the red "X" or 
  • b) add new GREY items to the person's profile by clicking on the "+" 
  • or use drag and drop to move them from the lower part into the lighter blue droppable area at the top.

Watch out: If there si no "+" visible in the Links and Domains lists, that means that these Links and Domains do already have an owner and cannot be added to a new one (Links and Domains can only have ONE owner). To change that, please click on the card of the Link or Domain and delete their owner inside the tool. When you then close the tool, the "+" will be visible and you can add it to this person

You exit focus mode by clicking on the "X" inside the tile of the person in focus or by clicking on the "X" next to the word "FOCUS" in the top navigation.




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