Roles Tool

4 min. readlast update: 07.31.2024

This serves as your primary list for outlining the roles essential for your team to achieve its objectives. It's advisable to divide job descriptions into more manageable segments, allowing for the possibility that one individual might assume multiple roles. If a hierarchical structure is significant in your organization, consider designating roles like CXO and manager by labeling them as "single owner". This approach not only clarifies leadership positions but also enables these roles to serve as LEAD in specific circles (sub-teams) or projects.

This is the roles tool, that you see when you click on any role or add a new role at the end of the roles list:




  • This is the name of this role


  • The purpose answers to the question WHY this role exists


  • the tasks should be presice actions you expect a role owner to do. These items can and should be added and edited over time. It is normal that this stays emtpy in the beginning or only has 1 or 2 points for a start.


  • What are KPIs or OKRs or similar, measurable goals?
  • Rate them with the 5 stars system and update the rating regularly (e.g. in 1-on-1s between role owner and team leader)


  • In the box "Plan total" you can define how much time your time should spend on this role
  • max = 1 = 1 FTE = "full time equivalent"
  • In "status" you can see how much you already assigned
  • more on workload planning in teamdecoder

Single owner / multiple owners

  • on the top right you have to decide whether this is a single owner or multiple owner role. A single owner role can only have 1 owner and you can make this role LEAD in a circle or project (e.g. "Head of Marketing"). A multiple owners role can have as many owners as you want (like "admin support" can ba a role many people have in your team). 


  • by clicking on "+Add owner" a dropdown will open and let you pick from all the people you have previously added in the people list


  • domains are a seperate list, but sometimes it makes sense to link a domain to a role. Like here it makes sense to link the domains "Products A, B and C" to the role "Product Manager". In the tool you pick an existing domain on the left and then add one of the role owners to the domain - or leave it open to be filled at a later stage.
  • Or you can create a new domain by typing in the field the name and then clicking on "Create"

Member in

  • Under "Member in" you can see in what circles and projects the role excel has already been added. 
  • Here the role "Product Manager" is member in the "Manufacturing" circle. 
  • By clicking on "X" you can delete the role from this circle. 
  • You add the role to circles in circle focus mode.



  • tags are free text and can be used as filters by clicking on them


If you create a role and later realize that it should rather have been a skill, you can use the "convert to skill" function at the very top left of the tool. This happens sometimes when the structural idea of your organization changes and how you define roles/skills makes more sense in a different way. 

You save all data by clicking on the green tick at the bottom right, You can also close the tool and save all changes by clicking anywhere outside the tool or by clicjing on the previous/next arrows on the top right.

If you wish NOT to save your changed, you have to click on the red X on the bottom right. The tool will close and your changes will NOT be saved!


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