Sign in/up with Google

2 min. readlast update: 06.17.2024

When you create your account you have the option to use "Sign up with Google" to create your account. Pick the subscription you fancy on our pricing page andy you'll arrive on the registration page, where you will see this:


If you want to connect your Google account with your teamdecoder account, in order to be able to login faster through Goggle, you can now clik the blue "Sign up with Google" button on the bottom. You will then be guided through the Google sign in process. 

When you come back here, some fields will be pre filled, like your email adress, you will NOT need a password, because you now use Google to log in, but we still need e.g. your website and the name of your first teamdecoder team in here.

When the registration is done, and you want to log in, you will see this:


You can now simply click on the "Sign in with Google" button, instead of filling out email and password, to log in.



You can only use "Sign in with Google" when you have used "Sign up with Google" in the registration.  

Feature availble from V4, early 2024


Switching from login via Google to login with password

You can create a password in the teamdecoder settings. From that moment onward, login via Google will not work anymore. You then have to use your password to log in. All about this here.

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