The "NO" pill

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

"NO" stands for NO OWNER and the red pill marks all items that are currently without owners. That is the case for skills, roles, domains and links.

Here is an example:


How to get this view

  • enter circle mode by clicking on the black dot in the top navigation
  • click on any red NO pill and teamdecoder will show you this
  • you are now in circle mode mixed with the NO filter - both indicated by the red buttons at the top

What do I see

  • this is an overview of your teams
  • and you see which roles, skills, domains and links in those teams are currently vacant
  • e.g. the social media team lacks a link to the media agency, the editorial team needs to find an owner of the domain marketing plan, and the regions need to find 2 sales managers


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