The Story Of Meaningless Job-Descriptions

3 min. readlast update: 03.19.2024



Don’t we all know them? Job-descriptions that …

  • are hidden somewhere in a drawer in HR
  • that have been printed out as an attachment to my contract that I never looked at again after signing and that was never ever referenced again by whomever
  • that do not at all reflect what I do all day, because they never get updated, but my work changes regularly
  • that suddenly get pulled out of that HR drawer when someone wants me something bad and I have no chance to defend myself because nothing that happened between agreeing to this piece of paper and today has been documented

I experienced this at every single employer I ever had and I hear this from employee at every single client I work for today. Why is it, that we pay so little attention to a list of roles, tasks and responsibilities that would actually have the potential to make our work so much more pleasant if we only DID pay a little more attention?

  • Is is because we are afraid of documenting things?
  • Do we not dare to add tasks to someone’s plate as a boss?

In reality job-descriptions are always in flux.

  • A new person joins the team and we split the work differently,
  • there is a new specialist with another department now that wants us to do our job a little bit differently
  • there is a new tool we are using that someone needs to monitor
  • we add a LinkedIn page to our list of media and someone needs tobe the admin
  • we want to be part of the sustainability effort of this company and we send someone from our team into the sustainability team to represent what is important to us
  • etc etc etc

We need to acknowledge that work changes, that structure changes, that tasks and responsibility change and that people change, too. And they do at a quick pace in short periods of time. And once we have learned that, we will see that it makes sense to constantly work on “who-does-what-why-and-with-whom”. Hence I created:

PS: Here is what ChatGPT thinks about this post ;)

“The post raises important points about the common issues with job descriptions and how they often fail to reflect the reality of work in organizations. It highlights how job descriptions are frequently overlooked or underutilized, leading to challenges in managing responsibilities and changes in the workplace. The author shares personal experiences and observations from different employers, creating a relatable and empathetic tone.

The post effectively communicates the need for more attention to job descriptions and the benefits it can bring to making work more efficient and enjoyable. It encourages readers to recognize the dynamic nature of work and the importance of continuously updating job roles and responsibilities to adapt to changes in the organization.”

LOL. So, what are you waiting for?

Best, Kai


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