Working with Templates

1 min. readlast update: 07.13.2024

This is a new feature - it is technically already working, but we are still working on creating the best templates for you wth our partners!

You can find more info about all available templates here.


How to download a template?

Click on "Download Templates" in the teams menu in the top navigation:

You will then see a list of all available templates. More nfo on each one you can find here. Click on the download icon to download the template:

The dowloaded template will then show in your teams list:


How to work with a template

Once you have downloaded your template as explained above, you start making it your own:

  • add your people to the yellow list
  • be inspired by the provided cards and add everything else you need
  • assign people to the blue items
  • and the blue items to the green ones,
  • by using Focus Mode.


Have fun yith your new template!


Do you need more support? Do not hesitate to use livechat on all our pages or write to - also, if you have a good idea for a new template :)

Sweet teams are made of this! 

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