A td Workshop: Onboarding

2 min. readlast update: 06.17.2024

We get you and your team going with a new structural concept, initial role definitions and a first workloads planning. Plus we teach you how to continue the necessary ongoing improvement process yourselves -  with the teamdecoder app and campfire process.

Let us onboard you to teamdecoder for a succesful and sustainable team transformation 🗂️🔨 !


  • 1 Hour Online Session
    Kick off with an introductory session to familiarize yourself with teamdecoder. Define the primary challenge your team needs to solve and receive personalized support in setting up your teamdecoder account.

  • 4 Hour Online Team Workshop
    Collaboration with your team to develop a structured solution to your challenge. This session includes defining and setting up roles, skills, domains, links, circles, and projects within the teamdecoder app.

  • 4 Hour Online Team Workshop: “What Now?”
    Explore the next steps and get introduced to the Campfire process.

  • 2 Hour Online Training Session
    An in-depth look at all the functionalities of the teamdecoder app for team leaders and up to two designated admins or governance moderators.

  • Q&A Session
    Engage in an interactive Q&A session with the entire team to address any questions and ensure everyone is on the same page.

  • 1 Hour Check-In Session
    Four weeks after the workshops, we reconvene for a check-in session to review progress, address any concerns, and provide additional guidance as needed.

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