First Steps

2 min. readlast update: 04.30.2024



When you start working in teamdecoder for the first time, we recommend these steps:

  1. YELLOW - fill in the people in your team 
  2. BLUE - work on the roles
  3. GREEN - create sub-teams (circles) and sub-sub-teams (projects)

In the beginning it can be easier to hide the lists you do not need. Why don't you start with People, Roles and Circles. You get to that view like this:

The result looks like this:

Then you can start adding people:

Don't forget to add their email addresses, so they can later find their report (link "report" on Clich on a name and you'll see the people tool:

Then work with your team on the roles - the ones you have today, and the ones you want in the future - the red NO pill represents "No Owner", and serves as a filter when you click on it:

To attribute these roles to people you either open the roles' tools, in their it looks like this:

Or you enter Focus Mode of a person (by clicking on the little target icon in the card) and add roles by dragging and dropping them of by clicking on the black "+" icons:

Next are circles. Brainstorm with your team what circles (aka "sub-teams" - you might call them departments, or task forces, or work groups) there are and/or should be.

And finally you add items to these circles by using the Circle Focus Mode (click on the little target icon):


When the content gets more complex, you might want to start adding more lists:

  • Skills, when the Roles list becomes to crowded and you realize that some roles are skill based and others are not
  • Domains, when you need to define clear responsibilities for things like budgets, softwares, supplies, strategies, etc.
  • Links, when stakeholder management gets complex, and
  • Projects (aka "sub-sub-teams") when you realize that there is more than 1 topic inside a Circle


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