Governance: Ongoing improvement process

2 min. readlast update: 12.29.2023

 Your content within teamdecoder is optimized by a recurring campfire meeting.

What is Governance?

In the thinking of "it is just as important to work IN the team as it is to work ON the team" we collectively agree that no structure we create will be perfect on day one. 

That's why teamdecoder comes with a regular governance concept that reworks the whole system whenever needed: Re-define, create, delete all of the above is done within this format, assuring the best possible structure for your team at any given time.

How does governance work in/with teamdecoder?

  • Usually there is 1 team member who functions as "Governance Moderator" (GM). 
  • This role (which is availbale inside teamdecoder btw!) is the only person who has the teamdecoder login and who can make changes. 
  • And this role organizes a "Campfire Meeting" where all team members can come and request changes inside teamdecoder. When no one vetoes, the change can be made and is law from then on until the next change request.
  • We recommend to start a "Governance list" somewhere (e.g. Intranet, Microsoft Teams a Google Doc, Jira, etc.) where everyone has access, where people can list their change requests. In the meeting the GM would then lead throught topics on this list. (we are working on a feedback option inside teamdecoder)
  • Sometimes it makes sense to also give the teamdecoder login to circle and project leads so they can work on the admin part of the circles and projects themselves. That is usually nothing the whole team needs to agree on


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