People Tool

2 min. readlast update: 07.31.2024



  • First name is enough but there is space for a 2nd name, too

Phone number

  • The phone number is not necessary, but can be a useful information for the admin


  • The email address is necessary so the person will be able to request their report


Here you can mark wether this person is part of your team/ employee or outside of your team (other department, freelancer, service provider, etc.)


  • Availability is max = 1, which equals a full employee status, e.g. 8 hrs a day
  • The "planned" box will be filled automatically according to the assignments
  • more on workload planning


  • mentor/mentees can be used in various ways, either in the sense of the word "mentor"/"coach" or in the more heritage sense of "boss"/"superior".
  • Under mentor you note who this person's mentor is, under mentees for whom this person is a mentor.
  • What a mentor should do can be defined in the generic role "Mentor"


  • This area is to directly link documents that are important in the respecitive tool
  • Do not share secret information, as this link will be visible for your team!
  • More info on documents


  • tags are free text - make sure to reuse the same ones across teamdecoder - by clicking on them in the lists view you can filter what you see!


The attribution of skills, roles, etc. to this person happens in people focus mode. Please click the focus icon in the bottom left of this tool (first from the left).

You save all data by clicking on the green tick at the bottom right, You can also close the tool and save all changes by clicking anywhere outside the tool or by clicking on the previous/next arrows on the top right.

If you wish NOT to save your changed, you have to click on the red X on the bottom right. The tool will close and your changes will NOT be saved!



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