Trainers, Coaches & Consultants: Community & Academy

2 min. readlast update: 11.16.2023


Empower Your Clients with Sustainable Transformation

Are you a trainer, coach, or consultant specializing in org design, restructuring, or teamwork? Join the teamdecoder community and elevate your impact. 

teamdecoder: A Consultant's Essential Tool. Craft, document, and evolve roles and teams alongside your clients. Our platform not only enhances your consulting efficacy but also leaves a lasting resource for teams to independently sustain the progress you've initiated

 The Idea:

teamdecoder, developed by consultants, trainers, and coaches, is designed to address team issues like conflicts, collaboration gaps, and motivational lows. We know most teams need professional guidance – that's where you come in. Our aim? To equip the trainer, coach, and consultant communities with a powerful tool for role clarification and fostering enduring change.

How does this work?

Utilize teamdecoder with your clients to define roles and responsibilities, then seamlessly transition the team to a client account post-project. Learn more about team transfers here:.

The advantages are:

  • Centralize all project outcomes, from flipcharts to digital boards, in one accessible place.
  • Empower teams to independently continue the work after your departure.
  • Ensure sensitive data remains with the client, not with you.

Our offer for you: 

  1. 50% Discount on teamdecoder Subscription: Trainers, coaches, and consultants can avail of a special 50% discount. Register here to receive your discount code: []. 
  2. Referral Benefits: Earn three free months for every client who subscribes. After your client's account creation, visit [] to redeem. Details here: []. 
  3. Join the teamdecoder Academy & Community: Participate in our quarterly workshops led by our founder, Kai, at no cost. Successful attendees receive a “Role-Coach” certificate. Register your interest at []. (Note: Currently available in German only.) 

Contact Us:

Questions or assistance needed? Reach out at or via our live chat on any of our web pages.

Looking forward to welcoming you to our community,

Kai & the teamdecoder Team 

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