First Look

3 min. readlast update: 07.19.2024


There is also a quick, self-click-through app tour available at

Hello, and welcome to teamdecoder!

Let's start with a quick introduction to our app, making it easy for you to navigate. 

Teams Menu

During the registration, you have named your first team. With the onboaridng process you have started to fill that team, and when you finally come to the dahsboard, you will automatically be inside that team. Right at the top, you have the option to create new teams or switch between existing ones. FREE accounts are limited to 1 team.

Lists Framework

In teamdecoder, each team is organized into seven lists. You'll see the people in your team listed in yellow, various roles in blue, and combinations of these roles green. These lists form the core framework of our app.

Here is an article explaining what the 7 lists stand for.

Circles and Projects

In the green lists we have what we call 'Circles,' which are essentially sub-teams (you might call them departments or task forces, or work groups), and then we have 'Projects,' which you can think of as sub-sub-teams (either real projects, or smaller entities of the circles). You can customize the names for these in the notes boxes at the top of the lists to match your team's terminology.

More info on circles and projects
More info on notes boxes

Adding Items To Lists

Adding items to the lists is easy. Simply click on "+ Add new ..." to add a new item, and once it's created, click on the card to add more details, like purpose, tasks and objectives.

See all tools 

Focus Modes

Now, let's talk about the magic of our focus mode. In the people, circle and project cards, you'll notice a target icon. Clicking on it activates the focus mode, highlighting that card and adjusting the other lists accordingly. This way, you can easily see and manage what's been assigned to each person and you can add or remove items with simple drag-and-drop actions, or by clicking on the + and x icons.

The focus mode also applies to circles and projects. In this mode, you can create new subteams, departments, or task forces and populate them with the necessary items from other lists. This ensures that each circle or project is perfectly equipped to fulfill its purpose.

People focus mode
Circle/Project focus mode

Circle View

As your team grows and more content is added, you can get an excellent overview of all your circles by clicking on "circle mode" in the top navigation bar. This will display all your circles side by side.

Circle/Project overview mode


Additionally, every person in your team has access to a personal report page. You can access these through the people tool in the app, and team members can find theirs via the 'Report' link on

Read all about reports

How To Use teamdecoder

We recommend using teamdecoder for regular team meetings, fostering collaboration and communication just like you would around a campfire. Discuss changes, plan your path forward, and keep everyone on the same page. 

What to talk about in a "campfire meeting"



If you have more questions please use livechat on this page or write to 

Enjoy using teamdecoder.
Sweet teams are made of this :=)






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