V4 is live! Here is a list of all things new:

4 min. readlast update: 04.26.2024

V4 marks a significant milestone for teamdecoder, representing a major leap forward as we transition to a new, future-proof platform. While many of these changes might not be immediately visible to the naked eye, you'll undoubtedly notice the difference: increased speed, seamless navigation with no more pesky reloads, and a streamlined user experience that requires fewer clicks to accomplish your tasks.


If you encounter any issue, like miss-functions or data errors, please get in touch with us asap, we're prepared to help! Use live chat on any of our pages or write to helpdesk@teamdecoder.com 


Here is a list of everything else new:


Onboarding Wizzzard

New users will now go through a set of simple questions before arriving at the teamdecoder dashboard. During the pricess users can start enetring their first contents, in order to be easier familiarized with our framework, when arriving at the dashboard for the first time.

Read more about the Onboarding Wizzzard

Refreshed Homepage

We cleaned up our dashboard a little bit - you will know that you are in V4, when the background behind the lists is white and the top navigation lost their bright green boxes:




  • Our tools all have a fresh color coded design, with simpler guidance through the content boxes. 
  • Also, you can now just click outside of a tool or previous/next to exit and save all altered information. The only way to not save your changes is clicking the red "x" button in a tool. 
  • A new element within skills, roles, domains, links, circles and projects is: OBJECTIVES

Check out all tools

Read how to use the new OBJECTIVES element


Easier Access to Focus Mode

The focus icon inside the applicable cards will now always show to make it easier to find it and to acess focus modes:


What is Focus Mode?

New attribution dialogue

  • When you assign a person to a circle or a project, it is important to add them in their capacity as a role/skill/domain/link owner, so they know, what part they play inside that circle/project
  • In order to make these attributions easier, you will now see a new popup, when adding a person to a circle/project or a skill/role to a circle/project

Check out our new attribution dialogue



Domain creation inside skill/role tools

  • You can now create a new domain directly inside the skill or role tool. 
  • It is then directly linked to this role/skill. 
  • This is very useful, because domains make up a big part of the skill/role description

Read how to create a domain inside the role/skill tools



List sorting in circle/project (overview) mode

  • When you have many circles/projects, it can be helpful to have the ones dear to you all in one view
  • This is now possible by sorting the circles/projects

Check this feature out in our article about circle/project overview mode




  • With V4 we are also preparing for a future PRO subscription with even more features. So we have started to adapt our pricing structure to our future model. 
  • We now offer the following subscriptions: FREE & GO plus options for consultants/ coaches and enterprises
  • A bigger change comes to our 14 days Fre Trial: Free Trial is now a totally Free account - limited to 1 team and max 5 people, but no 14 days limit anymore.
  • This is perfect for startups and small teams, that can now use teamdecoder for free and upgrade the subscription when the team grows 

Check out the new subscriptions on our new pricing page


Account Management

  • You can now manage your subscription directly inside the Stripe Customer Dashboard, accessible through our settings menu. 

See a preview of your new account dashboard


Sign in/up with Google

  • We now offer "Sign in/up with Google"! 
  • If you created your account with "Sign up with Google", you can then use it to login. 
  • Sign in with Google is not available for customers that already have an account. 

Read all about Sign in/up with Google



1 User at a time

  • We now have a process for entering an account that is currently used by another user. 
  • On purpose we only offer one editor at a time - otherwise the multiple connections between items inside the database are not safe. 
  • We encourage teams to discuss changes togather in regular Campfire Meetings and nominate a Governance Moderator as the person to do the changed inside teamdecoder

Read more


Copy a team

Sometimes it makes sense to make a 100% copy of an exitisting team, eg:

  • to create an alternative vision for your team without having to re-create all the basics
  • to transfer a team you have built to another user, without loosing it yourself

Team Transfers



That's it for V4 - but don't worry - we are already working on V4.5 with a lot of practical new features. Stay tuned! And if you have any queston, feature idea or encounter any issue, please use the live chat on the bottom right of all our pages or write to helpdesk@teamdecoder.com


Let's Build More Dream Teams

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